Thursday, October 20, 2011

A New Look!

I've been messing around with the Blog a bit today - just trying to make it easier to read and more user friendly!

I hope you like it!

So, October is a busy month in the Type 1 world.

Manly families across Australia, and across the world, are getting ready for, or have already participated in the Walk to Cure Diabetes!

The Kids and I are doing the Twilight Walk on the foreshore of Sydney Harbour on Thursday 27 October - and this year we have a team of family and friends who all share our wish for a CURE for Type 1 Diabetes.

Our team this year is called:

Among our team members are my sister, who was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 38 years of age, and my friend Alexandra who is visiting from Canada. Alex's mother Eileen also has Type 1 Diabetes and is a true inspiration to all Type 1's around the world! Eileen fought the Canadian Government to allow Type 1 Diabetics to fly aircraft - SOLO! As a result of Eileen's amazing victory, not only can Canadian Type 1's pilot aircraft on their own - Canada is the only country in which Type 1's can fly commercial aircraft!

While we know that money is tight for just about every single one of us please remember that the longer it takes to find a CURE for Type 1 Diabetes the more of our nation's financial resources are having to be diverted to the Health System to cover the costs associated with the long-term complications of this disease.

Please click on the links at the right of the Blog to MAKE A DONATION to either Isabella or Tim!

Every little bit counts!

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