This was the second time I have attended the Ball - however, last night was a bit different. I was asked to give the Speech.
The only public speaking I have EVER done was debating - in grade 6 at school! And that was just in front of one teacher and a few other kids!
This was an enormous, grand old building, a black-tie event, with around 350 guests.
Photo taken by my beautiful friend, and fellow T1D Mum, Stephanie.
Not only that, but Issie was there also. We had a plan for her though. She had heard the speech already and it was fairly emotional (as was the intention) - but a bit much for her. She desperately wanted to be at the event but did not want to hear the speech again. She understood why I had to say all of those things, and essentially tell "her" story to a room full of people. So - she brought along a set of ear-buds and listened to music on my phone during my speech.
Issie at the entrance to Sydney Town Hall, waiting to go inside.
The first part of the night is pretty much a blur - I was so nervous I could hardly eat. I had one glass of champagne when we arrived but drank water for the rest of the night - this was not the time for alcohol fuelled courage!
After the speech - the only word I can think of to describe how I felt was "elation"! I had conquered one of my biggest fears (public speaking) and, in the process, educated a room full of people about this disease that we live with every single day!
The rest of the night Issie and I were inundated with people coming to congratulate us and offer their support.
Oh... what a night!